La Importancia De La Musica: De Niña
La Importancia De La Musica: De Niña
La música es un elemento crucial para hacer el ambiente de una escena. Las telenovelas usan la música para indicar momentos diferentes, como el miedo o la sorpresa, y también durante unos elementos transicionales. Como aprendimos en clase, las telenovelas usan las mismas canciones y efectos de sonidos para que los espectadores puedan asociar los sonidos con lo que pasa en la pantalla. Los productores usan estos trucos para que las personas sienten emociones apropiadas durante estas escenas.
Hablamos sobre la música ‘incidental’ que ocurre en seis escenarios: el fin de un episodio, en un transición a los comerciales, transición entre escenas, durante diferentes emociones, para la intriga, y para el suspenso. Estos seis tipos de música incidental se usan mucho en las telenovelas, pero también en otros tipos de medios. Yo recuerdo de niña que yo mire mucho “Hannah Montana” y en este programa de televisión, había muchas transiciones entre escenas que tenían la musica de Hannah Montana cantando y yo cantaba con la televisión porque las tenía memorizadas en mi mente y todavia los recuerdo hoy. También en mi telenovela, “La Reina del Sur”, hay momentos muy emocionantes como cuando muere el Guero, y usan la música triste. Usan ese mismo canción para otras cosas tristes. En definitiva, estos momentos con música incidental son muy importantes porque invocan emociones para el público.
De niña, me encantaba escuchar la música de Hannah Montana, y ahora veo que fue un elemento de estilo de los directores para que los niños regresen a ver la tele otra vez. En el video, se escuchan muchos ejemplos de la música incidental que usaron entre escenas. Creo que es muy interesante saber lo "behind the scenes" de la producción de la tele.
I think your comparison between the music we hear on the screen and the emotions we feel in front of the screen is very powerful. Like you, I can also recall the music from Hannah Montana, which goes to show that even small, seemingly insignificant transitional music can surpass years without watching the show. For telenovelas, I think music is also important in having people come back to watch the show day after day. Music that is catchy and well-adapted to the scenes tends to stay with viewers because it links the audio with the visuals. The songs might even get stuck in people's heads, so they are thinking about the songs for a few minutes without having to watch the show. I definitely think music is an important component of telenovelas, and it should be taken seriously when producers are putting the show together.
ReplyDeleteThis was such a cool comparison fro you to make that I had not even thought of. But sure enough, I have memories of songs/riffs from tv shows I watched while younger. It seemed so minimal at the time, just like it kind of does now, until you really pay attention and begin to appreciate the emotions the music demands from you.
ReplyDeleteI know I occasionally catch myself singing along to the riffs of my telenovela just as you did with Hannah Montana. It really is interesting the way a song/riff can make a scene a lot more intense or explain greater context to the story. If a villain appeared on the scene merely smiling, I'd know nothing, but the intense violins or deep music that come with his scene make it clear that he's not a good man. Just as much a love interest who may have a fleeting scene for the time being can be seen with greater importance because of the music that follows them. It really is amazing the way music cannot be done without for these emotional moments in so many shows and it makes sense why it is so needed for telenovelas as well.
I absolutely love this post and how it connects something very nostalgic for me to what we talked about in class with telenovelas as someone who didn't grow up watching them. Music can connect to our emotions in a way that nothing else really can. I remember earlier on in the semester listening to different telenovela music and reflecting on the feelings they were trying to evoke. But regardless of what the music was trying to make us feel at that time it aired, many of those emotions evolve into ones of nostalgia, arguably one of the most powerful of all. Music can contribute to the legacy of telenovelas or television shows in general, which is what makes it such an important component to consider.