Talking about the regulations and the globalization behind telenovelas made me curious about how much television really affects us. Almost everyone watches some kind of show it seems, whether it be a telenovela, or a series, or a soap opera -- there's something for everyone. When watching something every single day, it's very likely that it is affecting you without you even realizing it. For one, they have a strong ability to affect trends around us. When Katniss wore a side braid in the Hunger Games, everyone wore a side braid, and when María Suspiro wore a headband in Cosita Rica, everyone wore a headband!

Telenovelas have even touched upon more serious subjects, such as the US Census and Hugo Chávez. In Más sabe el Diablo, one of the characters plays a Census bureau worker. The purpose behind this plot was purely to get Hispanics living in the US to participate in the Census. Some said this wasn't a good thing, but I believe as long as people make sure to do their own research, there is nothing wrong with entertainment media having its own agenda.
Another example is the character Olegario in Cosita Rica being a spinoff of Hugo Chávez. If anything, this character teaches younger generations and people living outside of Venezuela who this man was and what he did. If they become curious enough, they can do a quick Google search and learn more about him that way.
Telenovelas open up a way for people to learn more and do more. Not only can they have a new style, consumers also have the opportunity to be active in their community and learn about a country's history simply through watching a fun little show.
Hola Lauren. Me gusta tus ideas cómo las telenovelas hacen las tendencias en una sociedad. Es muy interesante porque estoy de acuerdo que el entretenimiento tiene un efecto en el espectador, ya sea que se dé cuenta o no. Por esta razón, pienso que debemos pagar más atención al contenido que vemos para comprender nuestra propia cultura (y la de los demás) desde una perspectiva más amplia. De esta manera, creo que puede ser emocionante y aterrador al mismo tiempo tener una compresión de la forma en que los medios nos influyen desde las pantallas en nuestros propios hogares.
ReplyDeleteI really liked the comparison you made here Lauren with characters inspiring real life looks. Some movies nowadays miss the mark and push an over the top political story that takes away from the story and emotion of it all. However, these telenovelas seem to have done so in much better ways. They tell a story and give an equally important reason to care about it in real life contexts, but yet they're not overly direct with the real-life-narrative. Its important that people can learn and benefit from the media they're intaking, but they often reject it if its forced upon them too harshly. Of course this wasn't done perfectly as there will still sometimes people who disagreed with the representations, but overall it seems like they were vague (yet somewhat clear) enough to get the message across with less controversy.
ReplyDelete¡Que interesante tu publicación sobre cómo las telenovelas influyen en las tendencias de la sociedad que las ven! Siempre he reconocido que las telenovelas y series tienen cierto poder sobre la sociedad y las inclinaciones a hacer lo que ven en la televisión, pero no se me había ocurrido que algunas tienen propósito específico, como el ejemplo sobre el censo que diste, para dirigir lo que la gente hace. Estoy de acuerdo que si los que tienen estas ideas hacen investigaciones, no hay problema en querer mejorar su sociedad. Con las telenovelas evolucionando hacia la modernidad, hay mucho que aprender de ellas y su influencia puede hacer mucho bien para las grandes audiencias a las que llegan.